Dalam artikel explainer Tim Cek Fakta Tempo, akun pembuat meme “Adili Jokowi” mengakui memasukkan corat-coret vandalisme ke ...
JAKARTA – Indonesia has questioned the fairness of the Paris climate agreement after the US announced its withdrawal from the pact, even as green groups in Indonesia look to China to take the ...
Melansir dari laman Telegraph, wabah pneumonia di Jepang dilaporkan sudah disoroti sejak akhir 2024, yang mana dinilai sebagai wabah pneumonia terburuk yang terjadi selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Pada ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Beberapa waktu belakangan, muncul sejumlah gambar ... di Indonesia, APV. Dibalut dengan berbagai sentuhan yang lebih modern dan minimalis, dikatakan bahwa produk terkait akan ...
Indonesia’s parliament has approved the creation of a new sovereign investment fund in order to manage some of the country’s most important state-owned enterprises and generate capital for ...
JAKARTA, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Indonesia's economy grew 5.03% in 2024, roughly similar to the previous year's rate and in line with expectations, but the pace was the slowest in three years ...
Oleh karenanya, Indonesia bakal melengkapi kapal patroli itu dengan senjata. Menhan pun mengumbar spesifikasi kapal buatan Jepang ini yang memiliki panjang 18 meter. "Jadi, berarti kita pakai patroli ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Kebudayaan Fadli Zon mengusulkan agar Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa ditarik dari Kementerian Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Kemendikdasmen) ke Kementerian ...
Sjafrie added that the cooperation was a strategic partnership between Indonesia and international partners to produce modern and highly competitive weapons systems. “Naming a ship is not just a ...
JAKARTA, Feb 3 (Reuters) - Indonesia's annual inflation rate slowed to its lowest in 24 years to 0.76% in January, official data showed on Monday, down sharply from 1.57% in December and below the ...
Trade barriers are back in focus after President Trump announced new tariffs this weekend. It’s part of a growing trend, as countries worldwide explore ways to build domestic manufacturing capacity.