A U.S. man has filed a lawsuit against a safari tour company after his wife was killed by a hippo during an African safari ...
Craig Manders of New Jersey sued African Portfolio after his wife, Lisa, 70, was killed in a hippopotamus attack during a ...
The tour company's attorney said, “My client didn’t conduct the safari. It arranged it. It booked all the components.” ...
In wet season, 500 million litres of water tumble over the edge of Victoria Falls every minute. In dry season, you can sit on the edge yourself.
My first time on safari in Africa is as magic as it looks in the movies. Before I stepped foot on the flight to Zimbabwe, ...
NY native — in Lower Zambezi National Park on June 5, 2024. According to the lawsuit, Manders said he and his wife were observing the hippo in a river when their guide allegedly encouraged them to ...
A safari trip in Zambia turned deadly when a hippopotamus fatally attacked Lisa Manders of New Jersey. Her husband says the company is to blame.
A New Jersey man whose wife was killed by a hippo during an African safari has filed a lawsuit alleging that their tour ...
Sauntering giraffes, graceful leopards, perilously present lions and snoozing elephants: a visit to Chobe National Park sets ...
Where a family of seven relaxed in hammocks, flew over the Delta, and exhilarated in thrilling wildlife encounters.