Dec. 27, 1917 Next cometh the income tax. The bars have been let down and all single persons must pay tax on year incomes exceeding $1,000 and all married people who have incomes in ...
For the Cake: • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder + ¼ cup • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 6 large eggs • 1 ...
Instead of chocolate, this twist on a classic yule log is flavoured with a festive blend of ginger and cinnamon and comes with a pecan praline and spiced meringue buttercream. For this recipe you ...
Yes, we’re talking about placing candles in the fireplace. Here’s how—and why— you should give it a go in your home. How to ...
Traditional log fireplaces, a kitchen with a large wooden dining table, and a conservatory with enormous floor-to-ceiling windows have previously been shown in rare pictures shared from inside the ...
You can sit at a table for two by the cozy fireplace, or have a private party ... since there are so many elements to making it look like a yule log. I once made it and decorated it with meringue ...
And I just know I’m going to have rustic décor in my life long after the trend goes away. There are a lot of rustic snowman crafts you can make this holiday season, but I wanted to focus on rustic ...